Emergency Generation

There is always the unthinkable possibility of a major problem occurring such as a cable fault, transformer failure or the need for shutting down systems for maintenance reasons so clients may find themselves at some time without power on their HV or LV network, whatever the situation you may wish to keep certain supplies energised by the use of temporary generation.
At HV Power Ltd we do not have our own hire fleet of generators but we have substantial experience of working with highly reputable generator hire companies who give us preferential rates. These companies are familiar with our site operations and will work with us to help you keep an ongoing supply. Our experienced staff will assist you on location and positioning to ensure you get the most effective use of the equipment.
We can assist in the following scope of works:
- Cable Installation and Jointing
- Identification of critical loads to be maintained during shutdown
- Identification of connection points
- Deliver generator to site
- Off load and position set or locate trailer
- Connect flexible cables to connection point
- Isolate HV or LV system
- Test systems and start generator
- Carry out on site monitoring and fuel management for the period of the shutdown
- After shutdown, carry out testing and re-energise HV and LV supplies
- Remove generator and other hire plant and equipment from site